Bare metal ARM Cortex-M Hello World on Linux

2017-05-27 01:25:40

Getting started with one of many choices for bare metal ARM development: programming an STM32F103 Cortex-M3 microcontroller on the Linux command line using OpenOCD, libopencm3 and two choices of JTAG/SWD programmers.

Code optimization for XBM images on Nokia LCD

2017-05-12 23:45:29

Continuing with XBM images and animations on the Nokia 5110 / 3310 LCD, this time going more into the code itself and looking into optimization possibilities for the original example.

XBM images and animations on a Nokia LCD

2017-05-07 21:44:52

Display images and simple animations on a low-cost Nokia 5110 / 3310 LCD by generating raw display memory data straight from XBM files with a little help from gcc and Bash.

Creating an utterly useless "smart" power plug

2017-04-02 19:07:15

A "smart" and utterly useless IoT power plug that tells you whether you plugged it in the socket or not. A companion Android app will inform you nearly real-time on any plugging changes, and of course, shit's tweetin' too, yo.

Adding Bluetooth LE to AVR with nRF8001

2017-02-25 02:43:19

An abstract tale about the creation of a BLE example system to set the brightness of a LED and receive information about a button.

A simple ESP8266 C SDK project template

2016-11-04 01:33:16

Programming the ESP8266 low-cost WiFi microcontroller with its native C SDK using a simple project template creation script. From basic setup to flashing a full-blown hello world firmware.

Mixing the SIM800L GSM/GPRS module

2016-10-22 23:46:23

Insight into the basic operations of the SIM800L low-cost GSM/GPRS module. General setup, make and receive phone calls, send and receive SMS and tackle GRPS data communication. Get one step closer to mastering the GSM module.

ATmegaX8 protoboard

2016-05-15 23:10:06

A simple, no fuzz ISP connector board for ATmega48/88/168/328 microcontrollers in DIP28 packages. Works both standalone and with a breadboard, just attach a programmer with 10pin header, such as the USBasp, and off you go.